Friday 1 June 2012

Jubilant Ekphrasis (Photos)


Now I'm sure that only about 1 in 10000000 people know what that word means, and until about half and hour ago, I was definitely one of the 10000000 people.

This is a definition copied from Set The Darkness Echoing

web page here:

"It comes to us from Ancient Greece, and relates to the idea of writing inspired by or about art or visual images. The ekphrastic tradition is more complex than that, but we can it in its modern form all over the place in English Literature. Some of my favourites include the poems I Would Like to be a Dot in a Painting by Miro by Monica Alzi and Musee des Beaux Arts by WH Auden."
As I'm sure you all know, this week is (trumpet blast please)...

The Queen's Diamond Jubilee!

To mark the occasion, our head teacher had us all wearing red, white and blue. We were even allowed to (temporarily) dye our hair although I opted out of that one. Our challenge for today was to take a photograph of something that captures the essence of this idea. We post 3 of these on our blog and then use someone else's photograph to write our own piece.

Here are the three pictures I chose out of 43 which I took.

I hope you like them

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